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Ayurveda treatments at Manaltheeram include therapies, yoga and exercises, proper diet and herbal medicine, all put together in a disciplined and conventional manner for the individual to suit their specific needs and desires. Your Ayurveda treatment program is supervised by experienced and qualified practitioners who will advise you on how to get the most out of your stay at Manaltheeram.

Ayurveda therapies at Manaltheeram are prescribed by experienced Ayurveda doctors in accordance with the condition and body constitution of the patient. Well-trained therapists execute the treatments with perfection and care. The common body care therapies in our list include rejuvenation, slimming, stress management, body immunisation, body purification and others so each body type or concern can be accommodated. Treatments for arthritis, paralysis, nervous disorders, mental tensions, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, allergic disease and obesity are also carried out here.

The medicines used for treatment are specially prepared either at Manaltheeram or Somatheeram using herbs and plants grown on the sites but always to guidelines set out by our medical licence. Adhering to a healthy diet is essential for the Ayurveda treatment to be effective. Manaltheeram gives the inhabitants the choice of around 250 different vegetarian dishes and a variety of salads and fruit juices to select. Yoga and meditation, a key part of Ayurveda, can be learned and practiced at Manaltheeram. The breathing exercises and the different yoga postures help to pacify the mind and soul, achieving balance the necessary to prevent illness.

The medicines used for treatment are specially prepared either at Manaltheeram or Somatheeram using herbs and plants grown on the sites but always to guidelines set out by our medical licence. Adhering to a healthy diet is essential for the Ayurveda treatment to be effective. Manaltheeram gives the inhabitants the choice of around 250 different vegetarian dishes and a variety of salads and fruit juices to select. Yoga and meditation, a key part of Ayurveda, can be learned and practiced at Manaltheeram. The breathing exercises and the different yoga postures help to pacify the mind and soul, achieving balance the necessary to prevent illness. Manaltheeram takes great care to meet the high standards expected of it. A (an Ayurveda-holiday) health holiday at Manaltheeram is sure to give a healthy body, a content mind and an enlightened soul. Charaka Samhitha (Treatise on Medicine), Susrutha Samhitha (Treatise on Surgery) and Ashtangasamgraha (Treatise on the basic principles) are considered to be the three major treatises in Ayurveda. Other treatises written between 9th and 16th century AD include Sharangadhara Samhita (Treatise on Ayurvedic Recipes), Bhavaprakasha (History and classifications) and Madhava Nidana (Treatise on Diagnosis). Ayurveda advocates that every living and non-living being has five basic elements (Pancha Maha Bhoothas) within them namely earth, water, fire, air and ether which manifest itself in the human body as Vatha, Pitha and Kabha (or the Tridoshas). Air and ether form the Vatha principle, fire the Pitha principle and earth and water the Kapha principle. Every human being has his Prakruti (constitutional nature) determined by the dominance of bodily bio-elements Vatha, Pitha or Kabha or their combinations. Harmony in Prakruthi indicates good health. The cause of a disease is diagnosed and treatment prescribed by monitoring the Tridoshas, Dhatus (that which supports the body functions), Malas (the metabolic bi-products formed in the body), Agni (which is responsible for metabolism) and the Prakruti of the patient. The outcome of an Ayurveda treatment is ideal health, a relaxed mind and rejuvenated body which is achieved by gaining balance in the Prakruti

There are seven Prakrutis or constitutional types:

  • Vata type
  • Pitta type
  • Kapha type
  • Vata-Pitta-Kapha type
  • Vata-Pitta type
  • Vata-Kapha type
  • Pitta-Kapha type

Vata Principles

Vata is considered the primary dosha as it governs all other dosha.

  • What are the attributes?
    Dry, bright, cold, rough, subtle and minute, moving.
  • How it functions?
    To control movement, breathing, natural urges, tissue transformation, motor functions, sensory functions, controls secretions and excretions, fear, impulses and anxiety.
  • Which parts of the body are affected if dosha is out of balance?
    Large intestine (mainly affected), pelvic region, thighs, ears, bones, skin.

Pitha Principle

  • What are the attributes?
    Slightly oily, penetrating, hot, light, unpleasant odour, spreading nature, liquid form
  • How it functions?
    To facilitate metabolism and hormonal functioning, regulate body heat and temperature, ais digestion, understanding, intelligence, hunger and thirst, perception, color and complexion, control anger, hate, jealousy
  • Which parts of the body are affected of the dosha is out of balance?
    Navel (main site), stomach and upper part of small intestine, sweat, lymph, blood, eye, skin.

Kapha Principle

  • What its attributes are?
    Oily, cold, heavy, slow action, slimy, soft, stable
  • How it functions?
    Gives stability and energy to the body and helps in development, lubricates, increase enthusiasm, sexual urges, forgiveness, immune resistant, attachment, holding, possessiveness, greed, accumulation, knowledge.
  • Which parts of the body are affected of the dosha is out of balance?
    Chest (major area), throat, head, trachea, joints, stomach, lymph, fat tissue, nose and tongue

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